
By Anonymous - 23/03/2021 05:59 - United States

Today, I tripped really hard and twisted my ankle on a toy that was on the floor, dropping a bag of trash filled with coffee and energy drinks my husband has piled around his desk. Instead of helping me up or helping me clean, he berated me about it. Told me that it's not my problem and went to his LoL game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 140
You deserved it 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do not put up with that shit. I don't care if your husband is nice or normal the rest of the day. To be insulted and criticized for literally tripping, falling and twisting your ankle ON TOP of cleaning your husband's sty? I don't care if he was busy in LoL, he can kick ******* rocks and quit. Bring what he just did to his attention in simple terms; "I was cleaning and fell, badly hurting myself. Your choice was to insult me, not help me and then ignore me. You really hurt my feelings and no game urgency should ever have you treating your own wife that way." I don't know your dynamics at home, but he may yell and still blame you for cleaning his shit. That's narcissistic tomfuckery. Don't put up with that shit. It's absolutely ******* rude of him and no one should act like that or treat another that way.

xxlk4xx 6

🙌🙌🙌 all of this! you deserve WAY better, I had a husband who ignored me, ignored our kids, helped with nothing around the house what so ever, never helped with the kids, all because he was always too busy playing video games! we have been divorced for over 5 years now and I've got an amazing new partner who still likes gaming but if I need help he is happy to do so, he would never do nothing if he sees me struggling with something and he PLAYS with our kids. I hope things get better for you and you!


Do not put up with that shit. I don't care if your husband is nice or normal the rest of the day. To be insulted and criticized for literally tripping, falling and twisting your ankle ON TOP of cleaning your husband's sty? I don't care if he was busy in LoL, he can kick ******* rocks and quit. Bring what he just did to his attention in simple terms; "I was cleaning and fell, badly hurting myself. Your choice was to insult me, not help me and then ignore me. You really hurt my feelings and no game urgency should ever have you treating your own wife that way." I don't know your dynamics at home, but he may yell and still blame you for cleaning his shit. That's narcissistic tomfuckery. Don't put up with that shit. It's absolutely ******* rude of him and no one should act like that or treat another that way.

xxlk4xx 6

🙌🙌🙌 all of this! you deserve WAY better, I had a husband who ignored me, ignored our kids, helped with nothing around the house what so ever, never helped with the kids, all because he was always too busy playing video games! we have been divorced for over 5 years now and I've got an amazing new partner who still likes gaming but if I need help he is happy to do so, he would never do nothing if he sees me struggling with something and he PLAYS with our kids. I hope things get better for you and you!

Warp1978 15

Don't clean up after him from now on. It's his mess and he's an adult. F that guy

phybreawptic 13
tounces7 27

That's a child not a man. Throw the whole child out.