By Username - 29/07/2011 23:36 - United States

Today, my younger brother and I got into a fight over who the favorite child is. My mom overheard, came in the living room and said, "It's your little brother, now shut up." She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 326
You deserved it 7 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her it's okay, because your dad is your favorite! :)


yomommma 6

Parents shouldnt have favorites.

theonlysweetpea 10

Tell her she better hope he gets a good paying job to be able to care for her in her golden years. With you she'd be lucky to go to a nursing home! That's what I told my father.

DDubie 3

Yeah I have 2 older sisters who fight all the time, so I'm automatically the favorited one.

biancanick1 0
raelynj24 3
almedalove 0

my sisters and I know I'm moms fav but my mom would never ever say so she says "I love you all the same " that is F-ed up that your mom would say it

Maybe she had a good reason for saying that, if you know what i mean