By Username - 29/07/2011 23:36 - United States

Today, my younger brother and I got into a fight over who the favorite child is. My mom overheard, came in the living room and said, "It's your little brother, now shut up." She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 326
You deserved it 7 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her it's okay, because your dad is your favorite! :)


ugottaluvme 0

The little ones are always favored. Just ask Michael Jackson, he'll tell you.

kenny010 0

haha loser were always the favorite!! and get whatever we want!!

YDI for getting into this silly fight in the first place. A mother loves all her children equally. Why do you think you should be the favorite child? Who the heck do you think you are?

ugottaluvme 0

Or, his mother likes the little brother better, like she said, uhh duh.

Cheerleader05 0
LinTurk 4

I think every parent has a favorite. It just changes from day to day.

I can relate. I have a younger brother as well. **** our lives op. Lol

sammybearbby 6

awh, that's horrible. my mom tells me I am when it's just me, but then tells my brother he is when it's just them lol

maybe you were the favorite at one point. younger siblings always come in and command the attention! lol

Wait until he's a teenager, then ask, lol.