By Username - 29/07/2011 23:36 - United States

Today, my younger brother and I got into a fight over who the favorite child is. My mom overheard, came in the living room and said, "It's your little brother, now shut up." She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 326
You deserved it 7 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her it's okay, because your dad is your favorite! :)


KattAlex 4

I'm my mothers favorite and my older brother is our dads. So, it all works out.

kayla9624 0

Omg tht happens to me everyday I'm the only girl and my mom always says my seven year old brother is her fave. And if he's bad or she's mad at me or just wants a good laugh she says I'm her fave. So he goes up to me and punches me in the boob. Tht little sucker can punch -_-

aidan5544 0

Tell her to go choke on a ******* *****

It's nothing personal, OP. The younger siblings are the favorites in most cases. It's not because they're better than you or anything. It's just because, well, kids are cuter. And they always will be. People are naturally drawn to cute kids, rather than the eldest kid. It's always been that way.

Why would you fight over something like that?! And also, don't let your mom be so abusive to you.

zzzmonkey 5

Parents always like the youngest better... At least they don't totally hate you

Brutal! So sorry that happened! Ouch eh?

Ya, my younger brother's the favorite too. I feel you.

My younger brother used to be the favorite until he started smoking pot and being really disrespectful. Now I'm the favorite because I've got my shit together and I'm graduating high school this year.