By Nick - 20/03/2009 16:45 - United States

Today, my wife of over 20 years told me she wants a divorce because she wants "a change in life". She has had the same mullet haircut since '84. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 247
You deserved it 9 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While she's sleeping, dye her skin purple and turn everything in the house upside down. How's that for change?


honey, if she has a mullet, trust me, this is an upgrade, even though it may not feel that way now.

BEB131 0

Well, then doesnt that reinforce her choice of having a change in life, since she hasn't since 84. Still not a good reason though, sucks

a mullet? really? REALLY?! I don't care when she got it because they have never been good looking on a man let alone a woman.

funkefan 0

Cut her hair while she's sleeping and when she wakes up ask, "Is that enough?" I'm certain that will help the situation. Not really, though.

XReply 0

Congrats dude, now you can find someone with a sense of taste in... well, anything.

you married a woman with a MULLET what did you expect?

ydi for marrying a girl with a mullett to begin with.

why shud ur life be f'd? ur getting rid of a woman with a mullet!!! ur life cant go anywhere but uphill