By Nick - 20/03/2009 16:45 - United States

Today, my wife of over 20 years told me she wants a divorce because she wants "a change in life". She has had the same mullet haircut since '84. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 247
You deserved it 9 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While she's sleeping, dye her skin purple and turn everything in the house upside down. How's that for change?


hoyce 0

The only women I ever knew with a mullet were lesbians. I'm guessing she really does want a change, from being with a man to being with a woman dude...

quinten64 0

Wait a chick with a mullet is dumping you and its a bad thing?

you should also show her you posted this, its a great way to get her back hahaha

Wooow, that happened to my mom and dad. My mom said she didn't "love my father in that way" and left without me and my brother knowing; her current girlfriend dilberatly broke her leg and kicked her husband out to make a ploy for my mom staying there. My parents were married for 19+ years and she's had a mullet since before my parent's marrige XD

i dont know whats worse that your wife wants a divorce or she has had a mullet for 25 years. lol im just playing but that sucks

How many people thought of Mac Dre at the end of that FML? I did.


lyndsay_love33 0

You should've replied. Then cut your hair, I'm not signing any divorce papers.

lolatflyingducks 0

A mullet? Seriously? You should shave her head while she is sleeping. She'll get the change she wants, and she'll not longer have a mullet. For crying out loud.