Decisions, decisions

By Anonymous - 26/10/2021 20:00 - United States - Little River

Today, my long-term partner and I decided we still love each other and want to try to salvage our relationship. Also today, a long-lost crush reconnected with me out of nowhere. The chemistry between us is insane and I can't stop thinking about him. Maybe it's a sign? FML
I agree, your life sucks 429
You deserved it 1 260

Same thing different taste

The really significant other

By Anonymous - 30/01/2024 08:00 - United States - Oklahoma City

Today, my childhood best friend and I just rekindled. He has literally known me since the day I was born. We spent all of our time together, baths, playing, all of it. We've always been connected. However, in high school, we ran from each other. Now, we found out we love one another but we’re in marriages. I would give up my SO for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 173
You deserved it 728

Top comments

Yes. Yes, it is. It's a sign that neither relationship has a real future.

Idk, aren't you in a relationship now? What is your crush even offering?


Yes. Yes, it is. It's a sign that neither relationship has a real future.

Idk, aren't you in a relationship now? What is your crush even offering?

Doom_Kitty 12

These people exist and a lot of us have them. It's just chemistry. I's with your partner, too but with a lot more work in it so decide wise. Either you don't want the relationship you have or want but then remember: some people make us react harder then others and it's not a universal sign. It's just a neurophysiological reaction on molecules. Not that exciting as it feels sometimes. I know very well that it wouldn't work out with the person i had these reactions for so i let it go.

If you're already regretting trying to work it out then it's broken. End it and move on.