By Nick - 20/03/2009 16:45 - United States

Today, my wife of over 20 years told me she wants a divorce because she wants "a change in life". She has had the same mullet haircut since '84. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 247
You deserved it 9 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While she's sleeping, dye her skin purple and turn everything in the house upside down. How's that for change?


Mullet... Sexy... If I were you, I'd say sianora to the white trash b***c, and find yourself a hottie with hair from this decade.

When she moves out, try to find out her new address and send her cupons for nearby hair salons. She'll get the hint eventually.

peaceloveamala 0

i feel worse for you because you've had to look at a woman with a mullet.....

why did you marry her in the first place? your fault

brydeec 0

You shouldn't have married her in the first place. Who the **** wants a woman with a mullet?

FuckedRoyally 3

Why the fladoodlebobin' **** would you marry anyone with a mullet? Particularly a girl with a mullet? Frakkin' GROSS. Is your Billy-Jim-Joe-Bob Randall Walker? I think it might be.

Yeah, your problem is that you were married to someone with a mullet. Unless you're a Jedi, a mullet is completely unacceptable.

OhSoFoxy 0

She wants a change AND she wants a mullet? Dude, she's probably a lesbian.

redhead10 0

first of all, #4 has it right. why would you marry her with a mullet anyway lol. and just. ew. mullets. and #110 "fladoodlebobin'" HAHHAHAHAHAHHA