By Nick - 20/03/2009 16:45 - United States

Today, my wife of over 20 years told me she wants a divorce because she wants "a change in life". She has had the same mullet haircut since '84. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 247
You deserved it 9 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While she's sleeping, dye her skin purple and turn everything in the house upside down. How's that for change?


ew a mullet? on a woman? I think they're funny lookin

skiBOAT 0

FYL for being married to a chick with a mullet for 20 years.

I love these comments about the mullet. You should shave her hair off and see if she likes that change.

YDI for marrying someone with a mullet. a femullet at that!

nixxx90 0

wow a mullet? why didn't you divorce her a long time ago. plus, I think she's lying to you.

And I thought a man with a mullet was bad

Tnofic 0

i think you just gave the answer to your own moral dilemma. GIVE HER THE DIVORCE.

JokingJoe 0

give her the divorce, take everything but the mullet

ur wife is ****** lame and u lamer for stayin wit her wit hill billy hair cut! fuc her and find someone better wit style


your first problem here is that your married to a woman that has a mullet. from my exprerience girls don't look to good with mullets, not saying your wife(or ex wife) is ugly just my opinion but I'm sorry that's sad to hear. best of luck to you!