By dumped - 22/06/2019 01:18 - United Kingdom - Wigan

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. How? He invited my mother to his house for coffee with his parents, and told her. She then had to come home and tell me I’d been dumped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 056
You deserved it 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you know how immature he's being.

Either the guy is a coward or he is a real jerk wanting to play a sick joke to your mother (or you). Either way, you’ll be better without him.


At least his parents had the guts to tell your mom. You gotta give him credit for that.

At least you know how immature he's being.

Either the guy is a coward or he is a real jerk wanting to play a sick joke to your mother (or you). Either way, you’ll be better without him.

Agreed. If he couldn't look you in the eye and come clean about his feelings, he won't do it about anything else in his life.

And if he needs his parents by his side to break up with someone, he shouldn’t be in a relationship.

I know someone who suffered a breakup because the mom told each of them that the other was breaking up with them and never wanted to hear from them again. You may want to check and make sure this isn't the mom's doing.

this actually made me laugh. anyone who breaks up that way obviously is way to young to even have a girlfriend.

randybryant799 20