By Anonymous - 27/02/2010 16:01 - United Kingdom
skittlesftw tells us more.
I'm the op (just made an account) I bought the car with my money, and since they drove the car as well they paid for some maintance and insurance. They decided to sell the car without talking to me first, but said that I would be able to drive the new car they were going to buy. Turns out the insurance would be too expensve with me on it, hence the FML. Not all bad though, they feel guilty so they are sorting me out with a car once i finish uni. (only just found this bit out)
Top comments
complete ass wholes
what kinda parents are they huh..?? they r all ur adopted and step patent..? :(
Hire a lawyer. File suit.
in soviet Russia. we have no court, everyone is bought by someone
So what kind of car don't you get to drive?
^ Adding on to this, if it was a birthday or graduation present for you, then it would be wrong (though not illegal) for them to do this.
#54 No that's completely wrong dumbass.
agree with 26. if its your property, they can't sell it without you knowing, and they. arent allowed to kepp the money
Yes, but OP also said they aren't allowed to drive the new car.
65- Reread the fml. if you need to, put on some 'makes less sense' glasses and you'll see. they were going to buy another car with what they got for the op's car and because they used the op's car they decided to have the op pick everything out just to tell op that they aren't allowed to drive it. OP doesn't get shit out of this.
@63: I said it was wrong. Hows about you actually read shit before you comment about it mmmmmkaay?
@65 omg. OP said he/she can't drive the car!!!! read the fml again 65. read. it. again.
lol 15 ass wholes
My nipples are bigger than yours. it's going to be a good day.
Aw, I got mod-hammered. Don't be offended jisaac; it was a reference to "Community." Joel McHale is a tall glass of dreamy smartassery.
65 your a moron. learn to read dipstick :)
lol 65 is the smartest one here, ITS A BIRTHDAY PRESENT!
YDI for saying "colour". I hate Europeans.
FYL undres OP :l
Yea, but my logic was..... and see if you can stick with me through this..... they say "you cant drive this new car" to make it seem WORSE than what it already is. Idk bout the rest of the world, but my family/friends really like to tease with things. Like if they think that they know that they are getting a christmas gift we would give them something else in that box, and then give them the real gift.... So my family would say that the car wasnt for the person and then give it to them.....
U should go now and tear that car appart just for vengence :)
# 15, I agree... @OP, tell your parents to stop being fuckheads and make them pay you back or sue them / throw them in jail for auto theft.
76 : 65 is saying that it's a surprise, and her Parents were using devious tricks to surprise her. I could see it happening.
Parents also mess around with their children this might be the situation......
don't worry you'll be able to drive after you get your liscense.
anyone who owns a jag, if a newer model would never sell it.
that's some mean shit!! but yea parents r like
I would be so pissed off!!
I would run it off a cliff like Youth in Revolt.
Your parents took their car and sold it to buy a new one. If you don't want that to happen then buy your own. YDI
@28 Then she shouldn't be driving. If she's not old enough or responsible enough to manage paying for a 2nd hand car the way I and countless others did (ie: getting a job) then there's no reason she should be allowed to complain. I pay rent, albeit a fairly small amount, and also pay for my own tax/insurance/petrol/everything on the car fully in my own name working just a 16 hour week, so it's really not that tricky.
@TomFantastic - being able to afford a car and being responsible/mature enough to drive one aren't necessarily the same thing. I'm a responsible driver, but I couldn't afford my own car, but because I'm a decent enough driver for my parents to trust me they let me borrow their's. @OP - you really should be more specific in your definition of "your car" because for all we know your parents bought it for you and you hadn't paid anything for it (I say anything as it's entirely possible you were paying them back as you could afford or something).
34- I call bluff. It's really REALLY hard to pay for all that on your car with only 16 hours a week, unless of course you work as a rocket scientist for 16 hours a week. I work 25-40 hours a week and I can't comfortably pay for everything between my apartment and my car. Plus, unless you're parents drive you to work, how are you supposed to get to work without a car? I can understand that everyone wants the OP to go out and buy a car for $500-$1000 and stop complaining but the OP HAD a car (Who gives a rat's ass if it was given to them) to have it taken away. I've had something similar happen. My dad took my car away and I had to temporarily have my grandmother drive me to work until she could find me a cheap car, which where I live is $3000 most times. Then after a year of driving said secondhand p.o.s, I finally got the chance to get my own car. But it takes a lot of time and work to be in a financial position to get your own car. My new car is only $10,000 but I still needed a new job and a little help before I could do it on my own.
@34 I'm guessing OP is a teenager who shouldn't actually be paying for all the things an adult like you are paying for. Being responsible and being able to drive and afford a car are two separate things. Her parents gave her the car probably and just took it away to buy a new one. For all we know she could be depending on it to get to school or to a small job. Hey she could be paying for her own stuff and her parents could just be assholes an take away her stuff because they can.
tom maybe she's too young to officially OWN a car. I also doubt you can pay for all of that and food only working 16 hours. Lying to prove a point just makes you look ignorant. if OP is a teen then doing all of that and going to school might not be possible. we don't know everything about this persons circumstance so it's not enough to say she's just irresponsible.
steal the car keys, go for a joy ride and crash it
Ummm. Why not? Was it a really nice car and they claimed it as theirs or something? Or are they just people you just want to punch in the dick?

wow that sucks I say take the keys and just go out
Well, did you buy your car, or did they buy it for you?