Cutting corners

By Anonymous - 07/06/2021 06:01

Today, we can finally order badly needed safety gear for my crew. My boss flipped his shit, demanding that I "stop bringing it up, it's annoying" for doing my damndest to keep up with industry standards. I was brought to tears for literally doing my job, with no "peers" to back me, since I'm an HR department of one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 254
You deserved it 80

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd pack. If they can't seem to be bothered with any kind of safety regulations, they shouldn't have people employed there.

A friendly call to OSHA might do the trick...


I'd pack. If they can't seem to be bothered with any kind of safety regulations, they shouldn't have people employed there.

bleachedraven 14

For me, I would think It must be a difficult job, putting your time,effort & heart into keeping your coworkers safe...& then to not have the importance realized, your perspective not received as you wanted when you're working so hard. Keep your head up, you got this...remind them the goal is to get everyone home safe while producing quality work. Some people are stupid & desperately need educated.

A friendly call to OSHA might do the trick...

Report that shit to literally everyone involved and as YOU are HR you get their shit kicked in by the guidelines you're well aware of. **** that bitch, you hold so much power.