New urinal

By fml9124 - 21/12/2019 05:00

Today, my wife caught our six-year-old son peeing in the bathroom sink. He pulled his little stool up in front, that he uses to brush his teeth, and was peeing in the sink. When we asked why, he said that he wanted to pee like a man, "like we do at football games." My son is using our bathroom sink as an urinal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 823
You deserved it 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Too innocent! I think you have an intelligent child around.

Sounds likes smart kid. If you don't want him to pee in the sink then tell him not to.


Well let’s hope he doesn’t try to wash his hands at the next game XD

Sounds likes smart kid. If you don't want him to pee in the sink then tell him not to.

Too innocent! I think you have an intelligent child around.

Sonotsuave 35

I don’t really get why this is an FML. Yeah he shouldn’t be doing that but it’s easily correctable and kids and kids

randybryant799 20

Your son sounds pretty smart.