By yikesss - 23/10/2018 03:00

Today my boyfriend told me that dirty talk with me was like potty training a puppy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 873
You deserved it 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whiskey'swino 15

Whos a bad girl? Are you a bad girl? Yes, you're a bad girl. Yeah, thats doing dirty talk wrong.

Don’t tell me he rubbed your nose in it.


Don’t tell me he rubbed your nose in it.

What does that even mean? Are you talking dirty frequently and in the wrong places?

whiskey'swino 15

Whos a bad girl? Are you a bad girl? Yes, you're a bad girl. Yeah, thats doing dirty talk wrong.

bliadddrwg42 4

entirely depends on how you're playing, what you and your partner are into and consent. The only wrong way to dirty talk is a way that you and your partner don't enjoy.

So, you pee on the carpet and get your nose rubbed in it?

Part of potty training a puppy means giving enthusiastic praise when they pee in the correct place. Does your boyfriend’s name rhyme with Ronald Rump?

I need an example cause that sounds hilarious