By pottie69 - 07/09/2011 05:23 - United States

Today, my social anxiety got so bad that I'm now afraid to add people on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 681
You deserved it 7 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

What happens if they don't accept? Or even worse. What happens if they post on your wall saying "Do I know you?" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I'm sorry, OP. I have general anxiety disorder with a special hint of SAD.. It's super rough, and I know just what you mean by this FML. Rarely anyone understands what people with social anxiety go through just to function, which will prompt a lot of jokes on this comment thread. Sometimes it's a struggle to go into a convenient store. It does get better, though, I promise you this. It's an every day struggle, but it gets easier. Best of luck, OP. You're not alone in this. Wtfbbqsauce?! /I felt my comment was a little too helpful for the usual FML shit so there's some idiocy for you!


Oh for chrissakes, I don't dare to add people on Facebook either, but ****... I don't go low enough to call that worse than just "original" social anxiety... -.- You're not that special of a snowflake.

stacianichole 2

What is "original" social anxiety, oh wise one?

candyaddict54 3

Same here!! I'm also afraid to comment on stuff. It sucks but you can't help it.

Mx_Rider 6

Try taking a Speech class and see if that helps, seriously tho communication is vital to life. You cant be scared to speak and interact with people.

OP should start out smaller than a speech class. If I had taken a speech class back when I was as bad as OP, I probably would have ended up dropping out because it was near impossible for me to look anyone in the eye while talking or speak without losing my breath.

Bekavera 4

thats the stupidest thing i have heard, yet here you post on here as well....

You don't understand how social anxiety works. Besides, on here OP is fairly anonymous. It is far easier to post something of this nature of you're basically anonymous.

What 50 said. It's extremely complicated to explain but social anxiety may sound stupid to you, but it's so real to those who have it. Open your mind.

skata 4

45- You're 37 and have 3 grandkids?! Please don't judge him for something that probably took a lot for him to post.

sexxme 9

I'm not trying to be offensive, but clearly it seems like you have no knowledge as to what social anxiety is. So you just simply come off as ignorant.

uprising_fml 0

social anxiety is a truly difficult thing to cope with I would think, so I don't have much to say except maybe you should consider getting help before it completely ruins your life . good luck OP and keep your chin up.

I had this problem once too. Then I got a job. It helped the anxiety a lot.

Same here. Working in customer service has desensitized me a lot. However, I got fired from another customer service job for being too shy before I got this current job. It seems to take a lot of practice to "get it right."

Epikouros 31

Wow, customer service would feel like hell to me! I'm not just socially anxious, but also introverted. I don't particularly like interacting with people. That makes it easier to accept loneliness, and at the same time more difficult to overcome isolation. I did write a book about communication, though.

#85 Believe me, it's hell on earth for me too! I only do it because I have to right now to keep being able to put gas in my car, buy food, etc. I'm also introverted on top of being socially anxious (as you are), so I know how that is. Too much social interaction wears me out/freaks me out. I am totally the same way-- how I am makes it easier to be lonely, but interacting socially when I actually want to can be super hard. You wrote a book?! That's awesome!

Epikouros 31

Thanks, nerds! I hope you'll find a better job. I learned to write well because I'm more comfortable writing than talking. And I know a lot about communication because it doesn't come naturally to me. I'm not trying to brag here, just showing what you can accomplish when you have social anxiety.

kiakia0131 23

You should seek out counselling OP. That isn't healthy. FYL. I know it is difficult to seek help (especially with your bad anxiety) but it will do you a world of good.