By pottie69 - 07/09/2011 05:23 - United States

Today, my social anxiety got so bad that I'm now afraid to add people on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 681
You deserved it 7 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

What happens if they don't accept? Or even worse. What happens if they post on your wall saying "Do I know you?" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I'm sorry, OP. I have general anxiety disorder with a special hint of SAD.. It's super rough, and I know just what you mean by this FML. Rarely anyone understands what people with social anxiety go through just to function, which will prompt a lot of jokes on this comment thread. Sometimes it's a struggle to go into a convenient store. It does get better, though, I promise you this. It's an every day struggle, but it gets easier. Best of luck, OP. You're not alone in this. Wtfbbqsauce?! /I felt my comment was a little too helpful for the usual FML shit so there's some idiocy for you!


daydreamer244 13
Sparkiee93 3

I know that feel bro. I'm way to afraid to add almost anyone that I know.

Ohemgee. I used to be socially anxious too. When I was in grade 9, It was so bad that I hid in the bathroom at lunch.

Stoppajamatime 0

I totally know how you feel OP. I go through the same thing. I don't ever write a status on Facebook, maybe once or twice a year. With my friends, it's not as bad; I'm the loudest one, but it's slightly there. Other people, it's pretty bad. Its even worse when I'm with my parents. I couldn't even buy something at the store. And every time I have some sort of social interaction, a bajillion questions go through my head before, during, and after. Like 'Was I too quiet/loud??' 'Did look at them awkwardly?' 'Do they think I'm weird or stupid?' 'Do they think I cant speak?' etc. The smallest things can be embarrassing and I have to think more than twice when I do/say something. Now it's getting kinda better. I can buy something at the store now.