By lonely_island - 28/04/2014 21:27 - Canada - Saint Albert

Today, I finally worked up the guts to add the guy I like on Facebook. To make it less obvious, I added 15 other people as well. Everyone added me back, except him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 336
You deserved it 7 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

incoherentrmblr 21

Were you in a waiting room adding those people, to finally notice him sitting across you, add him, and eventually gasp when he muttered, "I don't want to be your friend"?...

Maybe he just doesn't get on the site often?


If it makes you feel better he probably wouldn't have added you if you only added him either.

incoherentrmblr 21

Were you in a waiting room adding those people, to finally notice him sitting across you, add him, and eventually gasp when he muttered, "I don't want to be your friend"?...

that's some yuno gasai shit right there

How can you have a crush on someone you don't even know. give up right now, and go make some more nice male friends.

When you meet people, does your Facebook auto-add them? Do people who have no Facebook have no friends? I am very selective with my Facebook friends. I don't add people that I know somewhat, I only add actual friends. Usually I don't even add the guy I'm dating until after we're serious.

#34 I see nothing here that would relate to Gasai Yuno here, the only way it'd somewhat make sense is if she were peering through a window, or a crack in the door, while inside a bunny mascot outfit.

It sounds like the opposite side from a previous FML, where the guy didn't want to add her & she was sitting across from him

Haha, how is that supposed to make her feel BETTER?

Maybe he just doesn't get on the site often?

yeah, i have close friends who didn't add me back on facebook for weeks simply because they didn't ever really go on. Don't worry op!

Maybe the only guy that you have creeped out or did something abnormal because you care He is like ahh that girl oh no..

I am exactly this way. I have Facebook and rarely get on it. Maybe quarterly even if someone made me check it. The co-coworkers who have requested me all know I dont get on, because they realize I still haven't accepted after a month and say something. I had one actually stand behind me to make sure I did and another write FINALLY BITCH when I accepted 2 months later,which I see on a daily basis. (Work in IT sales with characters). And even when other people request, it really won't happen ever. Already friends with the ones that matter and don't need to see my info. Point is not everyone gets on Facebook nor when we do accept people other than good friends, eventually. :-)

xR3cKl3sSx 12

Now you have to work up the guts to message him haha

I simply don't understand how it takes guts to add someone on facebook.

They are probably afraid the other person will think they are stalking them if it's just a random add or wonder what made them think of them to want to add them in the first place

5+ years ago it would be shameful for this to be on FML. what has the world come to... If you like him you should try talking to him. It doesn't matter who you are friends with on Facebook.

Don't worry OP - there is always someone out there for you!

Maybe try speaking to him next time instead.

What happened to a good old-fashioned flirty encounter?!

That seemed to die out around the time it became more important to be popular on the Internet than go out and actually socialize.

Time to move on with your life. There will be some other slob for you to stalk online soon enough.

I know this may sound a little crazy...but why don't you try...oh idk...actually sending him a message?!

Some people have their profile set where other people can't message them, unless they are a friend. This may be the case, but who knows besides OP?

message him, comon she's suppose to have a crush on him, implying that she know him. why didnt she Just talk to him, any Guy i know would be glade to have that kind of attention

it's kinda weird to message people if they haven't accepted your request.

Cheer up, he may not have been on Facebook yet. And if declined then he's that guy you shouldn't talk to anyways.