By pottie69 - 07/09/2011 05:23 - United States

Today, my social anxiety got so bad that I'm now afraid to add people on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 681
You deserved it 7 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

What happens if they don't accept? Or even worse. What happens if they post on your wall saying "Do I know you?" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I'm sorry, OP. I have general anxiety disorder with a special hint of SAD.. It's super rough, and I know just what you mean by this FML. Rarely anyone understands what people with social anxiety go through just to function, which will prompt a lot of jokes on this comment thread. Sometimes it's a struggle to go into a convenient store. It does get better, though, I promise you this. It's an every day struggle, but it gets easier. Best of luck, OP. You're not alone in this. Wtfbbqsauce?! /I felt my comment was a little too helpful for the usual FML shit so there's some idiocy for you!


OMG, I have it too! I really feel your pain! :(

me 2 :P it really sucks :( FYL and FML

are you joking? cuse that sounds like a major cry for attention.

urfavewifey 2

therapy will do wonders,when they add anti anxiety meds

MsMeiriona 2

Social anxiety sucks. It can ruin your life, making you feel utterly helpless and pathetic. You are not alone. The world is a damn scary place and the more you think about that fact the more frightening aspects you uncover. I've been fighting anxiety all my life, finally began treatment at 14 after a mental breakdown sent me for a week in the hospital. I only leave the house these days to see my psychologist and psychiatrist. It sucks, you're scared, and I understand why. I'd offer to be someone to talk to, but we don't know each other at all, so it probably wouldn't help any, just cause more fear.

zswogg 0
GenuineJenn 0

I deactivated my account because of social anxiety.

GenuineJenn 0

69, is not like FB, where most of your 'friends' are people ypu actually know, have met, or interact with. this site, which is mostly strangers.