By pottie69 - 07/09/2011 05:23 - United States

Today, my social anxiety got so bad that I'm now afraid to add people on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 681
You deserved it 7 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

What happens if they don't accept? Or even worse. What happens if they post on your wall saying "Do I know you?" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I'm sorry, OP. I have general anxiety disorder with a special hint of SAD.. It's super rough, and I know just what you mean by this FML. Rarely anyone understands what people with social anxiety go through just to function, which will prompt a lot of jokes on this comment thread. Sometimes it's a struggle to go into a convenient store. It does get better, though, I promise you this. It's an every day struggle, but it gets easier. Best of luck, OP. You're not alone in this. Wtfbbqsauce?! /I felt my comment was a little too helpful for the usual FML shit so there's some idiocy for you!


sbuxsux11 8

take some xanax and accept everyone.or you could accept or deny based on whether you like them or not.stop caring so much about what other people think or the amount of friends you have.just a thought.

social anxiety doesn't work like a light switch. you can't just turn it on or off as you please. it takes time to get over things.

9atropos 1

I hear you. Hold on in there, it will get better. P.S.: I recommend reading F*** it by John C. Parkin, it's brilliant.

Whenever my anxiety gets bad I delete my entire facebook. You're not alone. Ask the doctor for clonazepam or something. Hope you are doing okay, a lot of people have anxiety - it sucks and can be very frustrating and annoying, especially when others just don't get it.. but you can get through.

Whenever my anxiety gets bad I delete my entire facebook. You're not alone. Ask the doctor for clonazepam or something. Hope you are doing okay, a lot of people have anxiety - it sucks and can be very frustrating and annoying, especially when others just don't get it.. but you can get through.

sbuxsux11 8

clonazepam?! are u serious? I don't think a heavy antipsychotic drug is a great solution.try a therapist and actually work on your problem instead.that actually helped me with anxiety more than running to the comment about xanax earlier was sarcastic.I thought it was obvious

...and yet you had the courage to post this. =/

jewelsfml 0

I'm to shy to make posts and when I do I freak out about what I wrote it sucks!