Lonely, so lonely

By Anonymous - 05/06/2021 11:59 - China - Shanghai

Today, I realised that my social anxiety, fear of people's judgment, social isolation, you name it, have got so bad that I literally have no interests. It got to such a point that I even have nothing to search up in the internet, so I just stare at an empty browser page wondering what should I do with my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 955
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

try videos games to maybe get you out of your rut. they're easy to get with no social interaction needed, from there maybe move onto a non competitive online game. also if your anxiety is far along I seriously suggest finding a therapist or help groups. you seem to be comfortable enough to post on here, so finding an anonymous support group would be another good first step. also keep in mind because of covid lots of therapy sessions are currently online only, that may help you.

I would suggest seeking professional counseling. There is a lot of life to live, and I just know that you have a lot to offer this world


Nhayaa2.0 17

I don't really see how social anxiety can keep you from having interests. Did you have any dark secret hobbies you're afraid to share? With all the things in the world, I can't believe you can't find one. And again, what does it have to do with social anxiety?

xllabraxasllx 19

Nah, I feel the same as this guy. Very few interests.

I suffer from this from time to time, it is called depression

Anxiety and depression quite often can appear hand in hand. OP’s stated symptoms (having no interest in anything) sound like depression, and the anxiety takes over when social situations or leaving the house come up. I hope OP seeks psychological/medical help as there are a lot of options for treatment out there. No one needs to continue suffering from either depression or anxiety needlessly.

try videos games to maybe get you out of your rut. they're easy to get with no social interaction needed, from there maybe move onto a non competitive online game. also if your anxiety is far along I seriously suggest finding a therapist or help groups. you seem to be comfortable enough to post on here, so finding an anonymous support group would be another good first step. also keep in mind because of covid lots of therapy sessions are currently online only, that may help you.

I would suggest seeking professional counseling. There is a lot of life to live, and I just know that you have a lot to offer this world