By disappoint - 08/12/2011 09:14 - United States

Today, my sister's boyfriend said the only thing he'd change about her was her last name. My boyfriend told me he'd change the shape of my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 086
You deserved it 3 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him you would change the size of his penis.

perdix 29

If the sister gets a new name, she won't be able to date anyone else. But if you get your bulbous, misshapen, grotesque banana nose fixed, you'll be able to have your choice of many more guys!


carioki34 7

Not all relationships are the same.

At least he said something original rather than a cheesy pickup line....

TKello 6

I like your boyfriend's response better than your sister's. Only because it seems like you guys are in a relationship that's gotten past the sugary-coated bullshit and know each other faults more.

JinxosGirl87 0

If my BF said something cheesy like "change my last name", I would corner him and demand a REAL answer!

kaykay20 0

That means he wants to marry her and have his last name changed to hers. So why would you pin your guy to the wall and demand a real answer after basically getting proposed to?

kaykay20 0

Why do you women ask question to which you don't want to hear the answer? "Am I fat? does this make me look fat? What are you thinking about?" don't ask for honesty when you can't deal with it.

toalysium 15

That must mean you have nice ****, generally those would have been the first choice.

tydunham22 7

honestly if you didnt want an honest answer dont ask the question im a girl and asking a question like that just leads to a fight obviously you want your bf to say "nothing your perfect" but guys just dont do that it shouldnt bother you that much anyways he could have said more then one thing