By dulllife - 08/12/2011 07:30 - United States

Today, I noticed we had gotten new colored toothpicks at the restaurant I work at. That was the highlight of my day. Apparently my life has gotten so boring I get excited over colored toothpicks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 537
You deserved it 4 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

Dude you're gonna lose your shit when the new tablecloths come in.

sariannacanna 6

Those toothpicks are pretty cool.... Lol


sariannacanna 6

Those toothpicks are pretty cool.... Lol

Well it's something you don't see everyday! They sound awesome!

HahaBoy 0

Well that's not as bad as our life....we get excited reading about u getting excited about toothpicks. So sad I think I might cry

jwade11 12

It's the little things that matter!! You have to laugh every once in a while and finding little things like that amusing is awesome!! That's how I am and I'm never bored!!!

Buttsexpirate 9

Dude you're gonna lose your shit when the new tablecloths come in.

LezBiHonest 7

Who wouldn't get excited over coloured toothpicks? Pshh....

nattynatters 14

I'm excited about them just from reading this!

At least it isn't so bad that even coloured toothpicks don't make you happy (: always be an optimistic :P

Oh. My. God. What resturaunt do you work at? I gotta see this for myself!