By disappoint - 08/12/2011 09:14 - United States

Today, my sister's boyfriend said the only thing he'd change about her was her last name. My boyfriend told me he'd change the shape of my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 094
You deserved it 3 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him you would change the size of his penis.

perdix 29

If the sister gets a new name, she won't be able to date anyone else. But if you get your bulbous, misshapen, grotesque banana nose fixed, you'll be able to have your choice of many more guys!


If he's a surgeon HELL YEAH FOR A FREE NOSE JOB!

rexgar2000 10

then get a new nose OP. like Michael Jackson

Punch him in the face and change the shape of his.


I'd be asking your sister if her boyfriend had a brother after that!

Really she's saying she'd rather have a whipped boyfriend than an honest one haha..

62 speaks the truth. Very few people could answer that question honestly in the way her sisters boyfriend did. He's probably lying, male experience in relationships teaches us to avoid the truth when a complimentary lie can be used. Some comply, others like your boyfriend are able to live in reality - you should join him.

this sounds like a three sided relationship. the sister and the boyfriend and the girlfriend. op, shut up. push him out of a window and be done with it. or here's a better idea, stay out of their relationship.

upon re-reading this, I realize my comprehension skills are lacking. my bad

BayleeWasHere 1

Just nag. It always does the job.

grow up OP! There's lots of reasons to say what he said. #1 not being a cheesy punch line, not wanting to be a copy cat, having a sense of humor, honesty. . . the list goes on. So grow up and realize that the fake shit, does not make for a real relationship.

So now you know what he looks at when he's talking to you. (Most normal people look at the eyes).

I look all over someone's face when I talk to them. Subtly. I never figured that was abnormal, though.

if he's looking at your nose...then you have small ****

I always look at people's noses when they talk to me… is that bad?

33, it really does depend, I mean, as long as you're not fixated on one spot on someone's face, you're okay. However, if you're point-blank scrutinizing their nose, they might think you're a little odd.

well maybe your just not to that point in your relationship yet and he was trying to lighten the mood.

My boyfriend says exactly that all the time, just to lighten the mood. He uses it to tease me and I don't take it seriously because he's said he wants to change my last name too, so all's well. ;)

Numeral 4

Look on the bright side, at least you know your sister got a good one

Hey I would take the offer. Nose jobs are expensive these days.

"Well you can pay for it then." Can't really say no can he?

Llamacod 11

Sure he can, he just said that if there was anything he could change it would be the nose not that he was going to change it

Tell him you would change the size of his penis.

perdix 29

If the sister gets a new name, she won't be able to date anyone else. But if you get your bulbous, misshapen, grotesque banana nose fixed, you'll be able to have your choice of many more guys!

brick_man33 14

do you have a beak for a nose? Peck his eyes out!