By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:55 - Canada

Today, my siblings came home for the weekend. At dinner, my dad started complaining at how one of my siblings had gotten fired, one was failing college, and the other was gay. He went on to say I was 17 and already had a bright future. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 926
You deserved it 61 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so then all his kids were epic fails? minus the gay one sinceIi'm not homophobic at all.


thelion85 0

Hope you will be 18 in time to get the situation fixed and not ruin some poor kid's life.

apparently you're stupid too because you can't spell "college" properly

Please tell me your going to get an abortion...

Everyone saying she should get an abortion and fhl and etc, you all really suck and probably have next to 0 morals. being pregnant at 17 doesn't have to be that bad. My best friend had her child one week shy of 18, and she's actually a really great mom. She graduated high school with all a's and b's, has a job, and goes to school. You can be a good parent as a teenager, it's just what you decide to do with the situation. Abortion is not an answer.

To add on to my comment, adoption is THE answer for unwanted children. I was one myself actually and I thank God that I was adopted instead of aborted. Unless your body will factually, for-sure die in the process of giving birth, adoption is the way, NOT abortion.

Wow, you've got a crappy dad. Specifically because of the gay remark.

oooshiny 0

your future can't be too bright if you spell college "collage."

Emily_T 0

looks like dads the problem here.