By Anonymous - 01/03/2015 19:03 - United States - Springfield

Today, my sister came out of the closet. By which I mean she came out as the pregnant mother of my boyfriend's child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 930
You deserved it 3 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WavRace 14

Toss their asses back in the closet and lock it.

That gonna suck... Your own niece/nephew being a constant reminder that your boyfriend cheated on you and your sister betrayed you... Sorry op. You'll find someone better anyways.


WavRace 14

Toss their asses back in the closet and lock it.

Or toss their asses out the second story window.

Cause her sister ****** her boyfriend. This act is very personal and hurtful. This damages the family relationships , and will also probably mess op trusting people for a while. That would be the reason that people get slightly hostile in this situation.

Seriously #16? OP is going to have to look at her niece/nephew and be constantly reminded of her sister and boyfriend's betrayal. That's enough to make anybody hostile.

Looks like them being in a closet is what started this whole problem in the first place....

That gonna suck... Your own niece/nephew being a constant reminder that your boyfriend cheated on you and your sister betrayed you... Sorry op. You'll find someone better anyways.

Hopefully once the baby is born op will love the niece/nephew so much that she can only see the child for who they are & not as a reminder of the past. Op, I know this must be incredibly painful right now, but try to put that behind you once the baby is born. As an aunt I can say that having a niece/nephew is one of the best things that can ever happen to you! I'd hate to see you miss out on such a wonderful thing and the joy that child can bring you. You can be mad at the sister, but don't blame the child or argue with your sister in her presence. It's not her fault her parents made such a horrible mistake. I hope you can have an awesome relationship with your niece or nephew as there's really nothing better than being an aunt! Good luck op!

60; as inspiring and mature as your comment is I have to say we don't have enough information. OP could very well be deeply in love with her boyfriend, been with him for years and was wanting to marry him. Just as easily as they could have been together a few weeks or months. The whole point is that if OP was deeply emotionally invested, this is probably going to ruin her relationship with her sister. She'll have to choose between disowning her sister or patching her relationship with her sister and ex and loving her niece/nephew. Very very sad.

badmandilon 19

Ex-sister is not an option here.

#31 no but dead sister is a possibility

#52, I don't think killing your pregnant sister is the way to solve the problem.

mwali02 32

So sorry to hear that. What a shame that your sister and boyfriend could put you through such a thing...

Wow... I think the boyfriend deserves a kick to the curb... & the scrotumm. sorry your sister betrayed you so badly op.

annie3217 7

So will you be an aunt and a step mother?

She will only be a step mom if she married the boyfriend. Somehow I don't see that happening.

How can a sister do this to her sister? I do not understand. **** your boyfriend, he is a jerk. But, your sister? She did not have to do this. I am really sorry about this, OP. You probably need to get out of all this, and go out, have some refreshment. You do not deserve this! I would whoop their asses if I was in your place!

I know right, whatever happened to "sisters before misters?"

that's horrible that your sister would do that to you. I hope you dump your boyfriend.

punch her in the face after the kid's born.

Puch her in the stomache before the kid's born?

Steve95401 49

It's a good thing she came out of the closet before she got bigger and couldn't fit through the doorway.