By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:55 - Canada

Today, my siblings came home for the weekend. At dinner, my dad started complaining at how one of my siblings had gotten fired, one was failing college, and the other was gay. He went on to say I was 17 and already had a bright future. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 926
You deserved it 61 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so then all his kids were epic fails? minus the gay one sinceIi'm not homophobic at all.


gracegracegrace 0

In response to: Maybe you're future would be brighter if someone got you a dictionary or spell-check. #13 - 04/04/2009 at 7:01am by shani__ It's 'your'.

OP 1)ever heard of um an ABORTION? lol unless you actually believe the fetis is a "real person" 2) gay people aren't failures, u stupid homophobe

Kickinchicken213 3

Totally agree with number 1. That is a MAJOR Parenting Fail. hahaha. That's hilarious!

Wow, I bet he ***** gold and never makes a mistake. Good luck with your pregnancy. Maybe you should take this as a lesson to be supportive to your own child.

So maybe he's hoping the illegitimate kid of his unwed teenage daughter will do better than the three he raised? I say three because there's nothing wrong with being gay.

shani__ 0

#176, I know the difference -_- I actually was starting the sentence with "Maybe you're" but then I got distracted by my dogs barking at someone trying to enter my house. I then forgot to take out the ' & e. Afterwards when I re-read my mistake, I thought I would leave it in there because I found it funny. Excuse me/I'm sorry.

LOL number 4! xD LOL EPIC FAIL ON YOUR HALF, but your father need to pull that carrot out of his ass. xD