By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:55 - Canada

Today, my siblings came home for the weekend. At dinner, my dad started complaining at how one of my siblings had gotten fired, one was failing college, and the other was gay. He went on to say I was 17 and already had a bright future. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 926
You deserved it 61 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so then all his kids were epic fails? minus the gay one sinceIi'm not homophobic at all.


wow man your dad sounds like he's got problems, and im not talking about his offspring. He shouldnt try to bring you down man he's your dad and should love you unconditionally. Tell him to sort his shit out. And being pregnant could be the best thing you ever did, if its not we all make mistakes. One thing hun: i promise it'll be ok in the end. You'll be ok.

rt523 0

i agree whole heartedly with 189/190. i really hope you don't get an abortion. if you decide you don't want to raise the kid, theres always adoption. and i hope you don't get too much crap from your dad :(

shortyshort 0

i wonder what your mom said

mcortez77 0

You all are failures except the gay one, FYD for being homophobic

Wow really I'm 14 and I'm pregnant but that does not mean I'm an epic fail..oh and YDI for getting pregg at 17

Fired. Fail. Gay. Ok. 17 yo mom. Fail. What morons don't know where babies come from and how to prevent them in 2009?

FYL because of your homophobic dad. Also, it's OP's choice to get an abortion or not. Yeah, not all teenage parents are bad, but that doesn't mean all are good.

With the way you spelled colledge. It doesn't look like you would succeed there anyways. Haha!

kittengrl39 0

With the way YOU spell college and fail at appropriate punctuation, you have no room to talk.

like most have said. being gay is not really a fail, and a gay person can have a bright future. so parenting fail for even caring that their kid is gay. i think you are acctually the most fail out of all of them. no offence.

ziqi92 0

abortion is NOT murder. seriously. my concern is the kind of life an unwanted child would have. high school moms cant take care of those kids and send them to an orpanage and set them up for adoption. ok fine, nothing wrong with that. HOWEVER, the adoption rate in this country alone is less than 30% on average. what happens to those unwanted 70% of kids? they lack medical care, education, and the motherly love thats all too important to a child's development. even when those children become adults, they r very likely to lead miserable lives and thus will have increased suicide rates. who wants to have that kind of life? even those living in foster families will be moving all over the place and wont blend in with society as easily. even then we cant confirm that the foster child will get along with the foster parents. there r ppl out there who adopt a child just to get the money their parents left to them! all i can say is, we may not know whether if the unborn can feel pain, but those poor unwanted children definitely will! that being said, i only accept abortion bcuz a life of misery drawn out for that child. thats the real reason to have abortion, not the stupid reasons of "its my body" nuff said!