It's still out there

By Anonymous - 30/03/2023 22:00 - Denmark - Odense

Today, I got tons of sympathy (and hugs) from my co-workers after intense sneezing and coughing due to my "seasonal allergies." When I got home, my SO asked if allergies are contagious, because he had them too. He didn't have allergies. We have Covid. And so do most of my co-workers now. I suck! FML
I agree, your life sucks 348
You deserved it 1 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rudico67 8

Why are your co-workers hugging you if you're sneezing and coughing? Even pre-Covid I would have been of the mindset "get the hell away from me" and even more so now. Hope everybody recovers quickly! After 3 years of this crap, we like to think that Covid is gone but it's not.


rudico67 8

Why are your co-workers hugging you if you're sneezing and coughing? Even pre-Covid I would have been of the mindset "get the hell away from me" and even more so now. Hope everybody recovers quickly! After 3 years of this crap, we like to think that Covid is gone but it's not.