By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:55 - Canada

Today, my siblings came home for the weekend. At dinner, my dad started complaining at how one of my siblings had gotten fired, one was failing college, and the other was gay. He went on to say I was 17 and already had a bright future. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 926
You deserved it 61 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so then all his kids were epic fails? minus the gay one sinceIi'm not homophobic at all.


if you don't like being told the truth then act more responsible and don't do stupid things. Your only way out of this, is to give your future child a chance at life and be a better parent then your father. That child's future is held in your hands. prove to your father you can turn this around and make something of it

#158: You are the reason there are so many homeless children and so many up for adoption. She's 17 and shouldn't have the baby. I bet you have about 6 of your own and believe Octomom is a personal God you should praise. I don't believe the father is at fault here, his children all fail - but they're adults and the fail is all their own fault.

redhotpeppers48 0

#113: Your second section rocks. #137: **** YOU. #167: How the heck does Octomom relate to this? 1) Do people really think grammar and spelling is everyone's first priority on this website? Get a life. 2) For the pro-choicers: If you haven't already, watch an abortion. Watch the fetus go through excruciating pain and get ripped to shreds all because the baby is considered an "inconvenience". Hear it scream and cry because its body is being cut up. If you haven't watched an abortion, you shouldn't have an opinion on it. If you have and are still pro-choice, you are a monster. ADOPTION ADOPTION ADOPTION. Oh, and about WOMEN'S RIGHTS? Half the babies born in this world are females, right? SO WHERE DID THEIR RIGHTS GO? 3) Let's rip on this girl's family and single her siblings out and call them/her complete failures and tell her her dad's an asshole. I'm sure that will make her feel SO MUCH BETTER.

jahwn 12

Babies don't feel abortion, or get ripped to shreds, and also you know what goes through much more pain, a cow at the slaughter.

midiorganizer 0

FYL for having a father that thinks homosexuality is somehow comparable to professional or academic blunders. #81: I... I love you.

deabruzo 0

heh, maybe she's an art major. FHL for being spawned from an asshole.

Sounds like you're actually the BIGGEST fuckup, since you're a pregnant moron who can't spell "college" or figure out birth control. The gay one is our only hope for the future, assuming he didn't catch douche bag from your dad or dumb ass from you. Put that poor kid up for adoption. Keep it away from your family.

jeandevaches 0

#174, you rock. to all the people jizzing in their pants over abortion, please remember that you're suggesting her killing a baby because shes too dumb to use birth control. and dont say that a condom (if she used one) counts as sufficient birth control, because it doesnt: read the statistics. the idea of killing somebody to save my career/future is absolutely reprehensible. she had sex, she takes the risk. as do we all.