By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:55 - Canada

Today, my siblings came home for the weekend. At dinner, my dad started complaining at how one of my siblings had gotten fired, one was failing college, and the other was gay. He went on to say I was 17 and already had a bright future. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 926
You deserved it 61 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so then all his kids were epic fails? minus the gay one sinceIi'm not homophobic at all.


alright, so getting fired could be because of the economy, because really i know so many people who are getting laid off/fired. and being gay really shouldn't be on that list AT ALL!! and dropping out/flunking out of college, i would say is bad, but i know a few people who dropped out because they realised they weren't into that program after all. nd being 17, and pregnant could be worse, i mean there are 15 year olds who are getting pregnant. however best of luck with it.

Hahaha omg. I know it's a typo, but it made me lol so hard to read that someone is failing COLLAGE. Like there's someone out there who finds cutting a bunch of pictures out of a magazines and then gluing them to some cardboard really challenging. **** your whole family's life, yours included. Except the gay one, there's nothing wrong with that.

People get fired, college is not AS important as people say it is, and what is wrong with being gay? Pregnancy is beautiful and there is nothing wrong with having a child. Seems to me the only sac of shit in your family is your father. Tell him that you are pregnant and if he has a problem with it he can go **** himself. YDI for caring about his opinion but your life is also ****** for having a shitty father. Also: lol at the last comment about the collage.

Is it particularly difficult to fail collAge? I've heard of people failing college, but damn...collage? That's some epic fail. I'm almost impressed. Please get an abortion or give the child up and NEVER let idea of ******* up a child (or in your or your parents' case: raise a child) pass through your mind ever again. Other than the gay one (who probably won't help in passing along the genes), your family line should end with all of you. It's not just your siblings.

wowfmlife 0

The only not-failing one here is the guy who got laid off.

common denominator? the idiotic father

Horrible parents (except for the gay kid, what's bad about that?) and horrible decision making on your part. If you're smart enough to navigate to this webpage and fill it with your disgusting lifestyle you can at least figure out how to put a condom on a guy.

CallMeJaneway 0

Hooray for gays! Making parents miserable everywhere! (Hey, jk... I love gays... I'm gay...srsly) :) Oh, yeah, your dad's a d*ck.