By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:55 - Canada

Today, my siblings came home for the weekend. At dinner, my dad started complaining at how one of my siblings had gotten fired, one was failing college, and the other was gay. He went on to say I was 17 and already had a bright future. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 926
You deserved it 61 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so then all his kids were epic fails? minus the gay one sinceIi'm not homophobic at all.


you all are a bunch of gay loving, baby killing assholes...

Perhaps if you studied more instead of having sex without using birth control, you'd know how to spell "college" correctly. Not that it matters. you'll probably never be able to go now with your kid to worry about and all. good luck with that. F your dad's life.

HaHa does HE know your pregnant? Or is this an FML because you have to tell him your preggo after he made a comment about your bright future?

darronlee 0

Your dad is an asshole. And I don't see how your gay brother is a failure.

Ahahaha, typo fail. Thanks for pointing that out #76. See #39? People DO jump all over me when I **** up. I'm sure there's an internet law somewhere that says if you're correcting someone else's spelling/grammar, you're highly likely to make a mistake yourself.

Sorry to say this but you and your family pretty much: EPIC FAIL (at life) But for your sake please consider this, stats for teen mothers are frightening. -8 in 10 women who become mothers at 17 or younger drop out of high school. -One in fifty finish college

#14 is my life and being gay should not be in this list of bad things your dad IS shallow.