By liu_kang - 16/03/2010 18:55 - United States

Today, my schlong decided to enter Mortal Kombat with my pants zipper. Guess which of the two won a flawless victory? FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 157
You deserved it 7 710

Same thing different taste


akkimber 0

is a schlong a penis? if so you might need a new one bc pant zippers are relentless sons of bitches.

akkimber 0

YO DICK WAS OWNED!!! a nada bing a bada boom poor penis

the zipper as Scorpian: "GET OVER HERE!"

nomnommonster 0

haha that made me choke on my coke :D good deal, good deal.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Neither. Chuck Norris wasn't involved, but he still claims victory!

Ajjas013 6

Until Jesus goes all 'I'm the son of God!' *something about beard* on his ass.

perdix 29

Neither. I don't believe that either a penis or a zipper can take a shit and not require toilet paper for a cleanup. Don't abuse the term Flawless Victory! If you cheapen it by overusing it, today's kids won't know how special one is if they are even lucky enough to have one.

AdoliscA1 0

I am glad I do not have a shlong!

nessalujin 0