By ldrik1 - 11/06/2014 20:36 - United States - Syracuse

Today, my psycho neighbor finished building a cannon. An honest-to-god, on-wheels, could-be-on-a-pirate-ship cannon. And now he's testing it in the forest by my house. I'm pretty scared for my life, to be honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 220
You deserved it 4 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you know where to go when the zombie apocalypse begins.


This is the time to enthusiastically compliment him on his great canon building skills and the very cool result. And casually ask about safety measures saying you don't want him ( it has to be a him ;) ) to get hurt. Either he will reassure you about safety, if not at least he sees you as an ally and won't aim in your direction..

I can't think of a better way to get rid of squirrels and gophers

Axel5238 29

I hope you called the cops before posting this. Holy crap my neighbor built a weapon that takes out ships is is something I'd be worried about.

Loved your description of the cannon XD But yeah, this is still worrying.

i would start recording everything, so in case something does happen, you have some evidence against him.

Well that's pretty impressive if he really built a cannon so well that it can be used on a "pirate ship". Unless he's blowing up trees near your house, which I highly doubt he's actually using live ammunition, you're being a bit of a jerk by calling him "psycho".

I wish he was my neighbor. I'd love to shoot a cannon.

More common than you may think, it is a historic collectable. Nothing to worry about at all, engage your neighbor in rich discussion, probably has a great story.