By patty - 13/01/2009 02:47 - France

Today, I saw a friend in the street but he didn't see me, so as a joke I decided to ring him. He took his mobile out of his pocket, sighed and didn't pick up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 207
You deserved it 3 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I only answer my phone 50% of the time - only person I've ever consistently answered the phone to is my girlfriend.. my best friend gets a 75% answer rate AT BEST. Don't take it personally, a lot of people don't answer if they're trying to think, or just aren't in the mood.. imagine it'd hurt tho :(

LyLa_fml 0

I would have walked up to him then and said HI.


I only answer my phone 50% of the time - only person I've ever consistently answered the phone to is my girlfriend.. my best friend gets a 75% answer rate AT BEST. Don't take it personally, a lot of people don't answer if they're trying to think, or just aren't in the mood.. imagine it'd hurt tho :(

To be honest, I do the same thing, my friends don't mind. Then again, I'm also full-time college student and part-time employee at Whole Foods.

arienh4 0

Everyone's saying: 'he might just wanted silence or something' but what about the sigh?

LyLa_fml 0

I would have walked up to him then and said HI.

CptJackSwallows 0

#7, he would have to be really close to see the sigh. I imagine he imagined it due to the situation.

dani_fizzle 0

burnskeeez I woulda run up to him nd kicked him in the gonads and when he was looking up from the floor asking "why?!" I woulda said "you know why!" and run away but hey, posting the scenario on woulda been a close second :)

Master_Frie 0

Maybe he likes you and was to embarrased to talk to you at the moment. Even if you're a boy but then he woul'd be gay and the reason for not answering is because he thinks it would be easier to get over you if he avoided you.

lisajean 0

ahhh love #12. I thought this was quite hilarious. *sigh what does this b***h want!?!* lol

Does he not pick up often? I'm not a good phone person either.