By ldrik1 - 11/06/2014 20:36 - United States - Syracuse

Today, my psycho neighbor finished building a cannon. An honest-to-god, on-wheels, could-be-on-a-pirate-ship cannon. And now he's testing it in the forest by my house. I'm pretty scared for my life, to be honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 220
You deserved it 4 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you know where to go when the zombie apocalypse begins.


I hope he doesn't sink your battleship

BuckNekkid 22

Maybe he's waiting for the 4th of July.

Why do you fear this man? Has he made credible threats to anyone, or indicated he will be out-of-control? Why do you call him a psycho? Is it just your own fears of a weapon talking, or is he dangerous?

hahaha sorry , fyl , but I love your neighbor :D

OMG he's got a cannon!!! Where??? I wanna help shoot the darn thing. :)