By ldrik1 - 11/06/2014 20:36 - United States - Syracuse

Today, my psycho neighbor finished building a cannon. An honest-to-god, on-wheels, could-be-on-a-pirate-ship cannon. And now he's testing it in the forest by my house. I'm pretty scared for my life, to be honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 220
You deserved it 4 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you know where to go when the zombie apocalypse begins.


I'd say you need to get to work on a bigger cannon!!

Yeah, normally I have a no-snitching policy, but in this case I'm gonna have to ask that you notify the ATF. Because no good can come of this.

Funny how all of a sudden you want the help of law enforcement. You know, only when it's convenient.

Op needs to get out there and join in the fun ;)

Demonyx 6

If he hasn't threatened you with it, or dragged it onto your property, then why is it any of your business? I guess if he test fires it at all hours of the night, then you have grounds for a noise complaint. But ,otherwise, you should get off his jock, and let it go.

I think you're being a little dramatic. My uncle builds cannons. He's retired, so it keeps him busy and turns a little profit. As long as he's careful and respectful when testing it it is not more dangerous than some other hobbies.

justbigbs 6

If that thing aims at your house, you know you can call the FBI and the ATF right !?, SHIT, I rat out my neighbors do anything that will jeopardize my safety

It would seriously suck to be your neighbor.