By Anonymous - 23/10/2010 16:01 - United States

Today, my parents told me about how they met. I'd already known they were eight years apart, but I never knew my dad started dating my mom when he was 21 and she was 13. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 693
You deserved it 4 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexie206 0

wow. I guess age really didn't matter to them..

That's... wow. The fact that they actually stayed together up until now is a miracle in itself.


Illyssa_fml 4
whoisthisgirl 4

I'm 18 and my sister is 13... I'd be like dating her friends... that's nasty 

well.. i guess age is just a number.. true love is whats inportant(:

So you think that a 50 year old ******* and/or dating a 15 year old is okay? Since, 'age is just a number.'

TheDamnDrifter 1

Thats sick what idiot dates some one over half a decade older?

okaii cant help falling inlove you just fall without knowing … but 13 years old is way to you to be dating a 21 year old and I don't mean to offened u guys that think it's alright but that's just really really gross....

boatkicker 4

Depending on how old the couple in question is, half a decade isn't all that much at all. In this case, yes, half a decade is huge. In other cases, five or more years may not make all that much of a difference.

I'm 14 and the guy I like is 22 O_o lol weird coincedent ( I honestly can't spell... )

your dad must've been one desperate 21 yearold. im so sick of hearing about all these girls who are 13/14 dating boys 18 and over. its sick and creepy.