By ohcrap - 11/12/2009 00:28 - United States
Same thing different taste
By .... - 08/06/2009 04:08 - United States
Love is love, but come on…
By nen_00 - 14/09/2009 21:11 - United States
By - - 09/11/2010 00:38 - United States
Hell no
By Notyourstepmom - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By hk - 20/09/2016 15:29 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
Age gap
By YoungBlood - 16/08/2024 08:00 - Australia
Kinda sus
By Ifeelya - 15/01/2023 04:00
By OfCourse - 27/06/2009 05:32 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/05/2014 19:33 - United States - Fresno
By highlandgirl10 - 21/07/2010 20:31 - Canada
Top comments
how does that even work out?
Quite simple. Let's make believe the OP is "X" years old. Now, X+1.75 years ago, the OP's boyfriend had intercourse with a woman. That intercourse from X+1.75 years ago led to the creation of a beautiful little girl. 1 year after the birth of the lil girl, the OP's parents also had intercourse with each other. .75 years later (i.e. 9 months) another beautiful girl was born. A few years later, this new girl met the dude who was mentioned in part one. They became bf/gf. X years after her birth, the OP decided to write this FML, where you asked me to explain how it worked out. With that said, good night.
#6 win.
And people said you'd never need Algebra after school. You deserve a pat on the back, my friend.
How is that win? It's extraordinarily basic, and not very funny...
It's funny BECAUSE it's basic. It was a simple answer to, what the person before them thought was, a complicated question.
Yeah, I didn't find it that funny either.
Actually, that math would make OP's bf's daughter (d) 1.75 years older than OP. What must have happened is that .25 years after d was born, OP's parents conceived OP and then .75 years later, OP woud have been born. Thus .25 + .75 would equal 1 year, to make OP 1 year younger than d.
Actually, that math would make OP's bf's daughter (d) 1.75 years older than OP. What must have happened is that .25 years after d was born, OP's parents conceived OP and then .75 years later, OP would have been born. Thus .25 + .75 would equal 1 year, to make OP 1 year younger than d.
Actually, that math would make OP's bf's daughter (d) 1.75 years older than OP. What must have happened is that .25 years after d was born, OP's parents conceived OP and then .75 years later, OP would have been born. Thus .25 + .75 would equal 1 year, to make OP 1 year younger than d.
Oh shit, triple post...feel free to bury the repeats.
now when you say a bit you mean like 15 or 20 years right?
Awww rats, my math probably was wrong after all. Forgive me, for I had returned from a final, and it was about 3 am my time. lol
Now if only 1.75 year olds could ejaculate your story would be flawless.
good job #6!
#6 a little to much time on your hands :)
nice boomer picture guitarfreak!
does it matter??? either way it's ****** up
or, he married a divorced woman, then divorced her, still being in contact with his daughter.
haha I didn't understand algebra then and I font get it in number 6 post lol
Agree with 109. Unless your boyfriend had a child in elementary or middle school, he'd have to be at least 14 years older than you, which means when he was in high school, you were a baby. That's more than a few years :P.
I was just thinking that. Spitters creep me out in the second one! The jaw...
#136 i hate boomers.
You my friend are awesome.
Da **** did I just read...?
Maths make my brain go ow!
At first I thought the same thing, but I think when OP says a bit older it actually means much older with the expression,
I realize I'm almost six years too late but please it's late don't do this to me
wow thats just a little weird...
no she didn't....see above: "boyfriend"
And you're still trying to convince yourself he's only "a bit older"?
yeah, he'd have to be more than a decade older than you, 15 years at least. You're dating a guy 15-20 years older than you, be prepared for nasty surprises.
3 your pic scared the shit out of me
WTF at pic?
Yeah just a "bit"? A lot of bit.
Many bits older!
How is this an FML? You chose to date a much older guy and are faced with a corresponding circumstance. So what?
#16 = win
Isn't the purpose of the posts to discuss whether it's a fml or not and why?
YDI for dating someone "a bit" older than you. Also you fail at English because a bit and a lot are two enitrely different things.
he would have to be at least 16 years older
Theoretically he could be as little as 9 years older then her.. unlikely, yes, but possible. it all depends on when he hit puberty. Besides which, there's nothing wrong with dating someone older as long as you are of legal age yourself. My grandparents were 20 years apart, and they lived a very very happy life together. OP, you made the choice to date the guy knowing that he was able to have kids before you were born. If you weren't aware of this, you are either dumb, or don't know the guy as well as you thought. Also, you never thought to ask how old she was? Inconsiderate much?
People, the guy could have had the daughter when he was way too young. 12 or 13 year old boys can accidentally get a girl pregnant, for example. Several years after this wtf incident, the guy has a daughter who's an adult despite not being that much younger than her dad, and he has also a gilrfriend who's just 13 or so years younger than him. That's not that much of a difference in the long run, and yet, she'll be in for a surprise when she meets the daughter. There you go.
unfortunately people do.
very few people
You haven't met the guys at my school....
And you're still trying to convince yourself he's only "a bit older"?
how does that even work out?