By Anonymous - 23/10/2010 16:01 - United States

Today, my parents told me about how they met. I'd already known they were eight years apart, but I never knew my dad started dating my mom when he was 21 and she was 13. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 693
You deserved it 4 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexie206 0

wow. I guess age really didn't matter to them..

That's... wow. The fact that they actually stayed together up until now is a miracle in itself.


cali425 0

I've heard that when my paternal great grandparents started dating, my greatgrandpa was in his 40's & my greatgrandma was 14 or 15. But this was way back in the day. Either way I don't think age should matter if you love a person. And yes there are some very mature teenagers out there.

Not that it makes it any less creepy, but such wide age differences were more common in your great grandparents age. A man went with whatever woman was readily available in the vicinity so he could have progeny to help with the chores. It was a survival issue. If one wife died off due to illness or childbirth, he needed to marry up again quickly so his children would have a mother and so he could keep creating new help.

Well, I can't see whats wrong with it. It's their choice, it does not hurt them, it does not hurt anyone else. So, there are two people making echother happy, hey call the cops!

It doesn't hurt them? How do you know? One day they might be like. Psh 8 year old gap sucks, and then they might suicide. Eh?

jwbbabe 9

153, do you know how dumb you just sounded?

was she thirteen when she got pregnant with you?

FFML_314 11

That's where you're wrong. Age does matter. A 13 year old girl is not developmentally stable enough to form any type of healthy romantic relationship with anyone, let alone a 21 year old man. People need to understand why you are considered a child for a reason.

FFML_314 is right. I do think age shouldn't matter, but when one of the party is still technically/legally a child, then it does start to matter. If the minor is sensible and waits till they are legally old enough before doing anything considered 'serious' then it doesn't matter as much. But as a teenager you tend to think you know best and so sensible doesn't necessarily happen all that often.

vixon 0

wow.... :0 that's like pedophilia on ur mothers behalf...!!

That is some sick shit. Your dad is a pedophile. O.o And your maternal grandparents are criminally negligent.

that's how you came in the world your mom was young ****