By Anonymous - 23/10/2010 16:01 - United States

Today, my parents told me about how they met. I'd already known they were eight years apart, but I never knew my dad started dating my mom when he was 21 and she was 13. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 693
You deserved it 4 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexie206 0

wow. I guess age really didn't matter to them..

That's... wow. The fact that they actually stayed together up until now is a miracle in itself.


tinanelson 0

my parents are 15 yrs apart no lie. cougar...

there's 25 years between my mom and dad.. but they met when she was 20..

hopefully your mom isn't addicted to crack

Shenronlock 7

Holy crap! I didn't know that Pedobear had kids...

My dad was 30 when he hooked up with his second wife who was 15 at the time. They still together after 36 years. Just saying. (it was in Europe in the 70's tho.)

omg that's how I feel about my friends brothers cept for I'm 15 and they're all like 21 and 20 but they're sooooooo freaking hot and j know a few of them like me but my parents would never allow it

That just proves that our prejudices are not 100% correct. Sure, in most cases it is wrong for a 21 years old to date a 13 years old, in most cases the 13 y.o. will end up heartbroken, if not worse, but sometimes it does work out well. It's stupid to call him a pedophile. Pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children. At 13 y.o., that girl had already gone through puberty and probably looked like a 16 year old at least. Of course she didn't have a mature brain, but 21 y.o. guys have the brains of a 15 y.o. when it comes to relationships.

so why does this **** your life? immature and selfish of you

I met my now boyfriend when I was 14 (it was a part of a big group of people who liked the same interest). We developed a friendship because we are similar, and when I was 15 and him was 24 he asked to go out. I didn't feel atracted so I said no, and we continued being friends. When I was 17 we got close again, and he asked another time, but I said no because I was in another relationship in the time. When I was 20 (and him 29), when I came back from a foreing country, both of us fell really hard for each other. We have be dating more than a year and a half, and I've never been feel pressured for sex, to the point that I thought (now I know I was wrong) that he didn't find me atractive! XDDD. So even if I would have said yes when I was 15, he wouldn't have pressured me.

Wow, just wow. That was a horrible story, with horrible grammar.

DevilDoll 0

well in that case your stupid (I haven't read any other comments so don't kill me for saying this) because that's 7 years. I would know because, I had the same age difference and believe me 7 years sounds a lot better than 8(: that's all(:

DevilDoll 0

oh jeez my bad I was 14 and he was 21, I totally just looked like an idiot(: oops(: