By Anonymous - 23/10/2010 16:01 - United States

Today, my parents told me about how they met. I'd already known they were eight years apart, but I never knew my dad started dating my mom when he was 21 and she was 13. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 693
You deserved it 4 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexie206 0

wow. I guess age really didn't matter to them..

That's... wow. The fact that they actually stayed together up until now is a miracle in itself.


lilybugie 0

think about it that means your mom probably lost her "v" card at thirteen. sucks for you!

kimmykimkim 0

wow he was robbing the crib!

awww that's so cute I guess doesn't matter how old U R for love........but I hope he didn't look like a peadophile

Ryonix 0

your dad is a beast. I hope your mom at least had filled out when she was 13

Hgielad_720 0

Dude, I love your picture so much! Sorry, I just had to say that. :)

haha89 0

One of my friends knows someone who is about 13 and has a 26 year old girlfriend.

i think all of you are missing the point of life. Everyone has the right to be happy. Im 20 my fiance is 28. He has been married and had 3 kids. Age is nothing as long as you enjoy their companionship it shouldnt matter.

yeah.. but YOU're a legal adult. at the very least, your frontal lobe is nearly fully formed. though many people are still lost in life at 20, you at least are equipped with the tools to & have the capability of making legitimately rational decisions for your own life. a 13 or 14 year old, however, is barely finishing up going through puberty. their biggest worry should be making the transition from middle school to high school.

"Age is nothing as long as you enjoy their companionship it shouldnt matter." Yeah, that sounds like something a 20 year old would say. Check back in 10 years and see if you feel the same way taking on a guy with three kids at your age.

Ehy, watch it, I'm 20 and I'd say no such thing! :P

NO, age DOES fuggin matter when you're a grown adult and being intimate with a MINOR!! That's gross and illegal and COMPLETELY different from that!

ImYoursAlways 3

That's messed up. if I had a 13 year old, I wouldn't let her date a 21 year old guy. like seriously.