By Star_Wars_Lover - 26/04/2016 15:34 - United States - Dallas

Today, my husband got a vasectomy. My mother-in-law is extremely upset that he only gave her one grandson. Guess my other son doesn't count. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 772
You deserved it 1 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XUnluckyAngelX 9

That's kind of rude. But you know what OP? If she decides to be a hag, let her be a hag.

Lighten up OP, you can't force your mother-in-law to love your other son. But, if she's going to do that asshole thing where she covets your son with your husband while ignoring the other child (buying her "real" grandson things, but not buying things for your son, or taking the "real" grandchild on fun trips but leaving your son at home, etc.) then keep BOTH your sons away from her. My actual blood-related grandmother did that shit with my older sister and I, because she was the favorite grandchild. She would take my sister out everywhere and leave me at home every time; she'd buy my sister better presents at Christmas than me-- she'd even buy my sister presents on MY birthday at my birthday party, and give them to her in front of me. That doesn't feel very nice, so don't let her do that sort of thing to your son! >:(


XUnluckyAngelX 9

That's kind of rude. But you know what OP? If she decides to be a hag, let her be a hag.

You're mother-in-law seems incredibly ignorant. At least you know that you have two beautiful children that will bring you great happiness, well, most of the time.

Are all mother in laws this horrible?

No just ops. My future mother in law is a wonderful person, I'm lucky to have them

My mother in law and I are best buds and drinking pals.

My mother in law is a very generous and lovely person. A bit on the nosy side sometimes, but then, nobody is perfect ;)

pharmalady 10

Mine is amazing. Even though circumstances have led to the need for her son and I to divorce she's been nothing but loving and supportive to me.

Sorry OP, but some people only consider blood relatives family. At least you have two kids to love and cherish. It's honestly her loss if she can't see you child as a grandchild.

#20. My wife's is horrible. Mine is a wonderful human being. I'm so fortunate to have her for a mother in law. My wife's mother in law would say something like that.

Wouldn't be easier to say your mother is a bitch instead of saying your wife's mother I'm law? Unless she's just that bad where you don't want to admit she's your mom? In that case I know how you feel.

Just going to say, but it kind of sucks more for the other child. His own Grandmother doesn't recognize her as a grandchild.

Lighten up OP, you can't force your mother-in-law to love your other son. But, if she's going to do that asshole thing where she covets your son with your husband while ignoring the other child (buying her "real" grandson things, but not buying things for your son, or taking the "real" grandchild on fun trips but leaving your son at home, etc.) then keep BOTH your sons away from her. My actual blood-related grandmother did that shit with my older sister and I, because she was the favorite grandchild. She would take my sister out everywhere and leave me at home every time; she'd buy my sister better presents at Christmas than me-- she'd even buy my sister presents on MY birthday at my birthday party, and give them to her in front of me. That doesn't feel very nice, so don't let her do that sort of thing to your son! >:(

Not to mention, that kind of behavior often makes the "favorite" feel uncomfortable. That child knows the other resents him/her, and is being put in a position he/she doesn't want to be in. I was never blatantly favorited but there were times that, being the oldest, I got to do things my other two sisters couldn't. It made me uncomfortable because I knew they'd be jealous, and sometimes I wanted them there anyway. It's not only bad for the not-favorite(s), it's bad for the favorite too.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

My grandma loved my brother and hated me. She lived in our house and once I went into her room to tell her happy birthday and I was very young and too short to reach the door handle (the door had been open when I walked in) and she left the room and shut the door on me, and because I was too short to reach the handle she might as well have locked the door because I couldn't get out. She did all sorts of other shit to me but that one sticks out the most to me. Some grandmothers don't deserve that title.

I'm assuming your child is from another man.

Congrats on being able to shag barebacked!

tarlax 11

Wow, and I thought she was bad before. Sounds like there should be a photo of her in the dictionary next to the word "****".