By Anonymous - 23/10/2010 16:01 - United States

Today, my parents told me about how they met. I'd already known they were eight years apart, but I never knew my dad started dating my mom when he was 21 and she was 13. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 693
You deserved it 4 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexie206 0

wow. I guess age really didn't matter to them..

That's... wow. The fact that they actually stayed together up until now is a miracle in itself.


matt120784 0

Pedobear is loving this one.

christa953 12
jocelyng_fml 0

more like f-op's mom's parent's life

If it was the other way around your mother would be a god damn cougar!

Paula231_fml 0
perdix 29

The Yuck Factor is you're just 14 years younger than your mom -- and you have an older brother.