By failure - 16/07/2009 16:25 - Canada

Today, my parents are freaking at me because I just got my report and I failed my first year of college. They told me they have never been more disappointed in me. I have to tell them that I'm also pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 613
You deserved it 102 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouchh, uhh, No offence, but perhaps you should have spent less time getting sex, and more time focusing on your failing education..

This is more "I ****** up" than "**** my life." You made bad decisions and you fully deserve the consequences.


Put the kid up for adoption! Why would you want to get an abortion and kill a baby when you could easily put it up for adoption where plenty of people are willing to take a child into their care.

wow. your life is not ******- you are. (pun intended) and come on, how do you not deserve it? sounds like you shouldn't even be in college. sounds like you shouldn't have graduated high school.

LOL sounds like you had a good time. You fail at life, good luck.

6SiC6Magg0tKnot 0

YDI for being canadian and getting preggers from your father, you sick inbred ****.

jnic 0

If your life was fine in every other way and you had had only gotten pregnant, I wouldn't blame you at all. Sometimes when a condom messes up, you don't notice so you don't get the plan B pill (micro tears, leaking, etc). Some women can't even use hormonal birth control for medical reasons, and the Paraguard IUD is the only good option left but it can have awful side effects and at some colleges, condoms are free (all of this applies to me). Not everyone who gets pregnant is irresponsible or a *****. But the fact that you ****** up your grades so badly that you FAILED tells me that you're completely stupid and irresponsible and you have your priorities out of line, so I'm not going to give you the benefit of the doubt at all. First year is hard for some people, but that only excuses a couple of C grades. Not Fs.

To all the jerks that are commenting here, dont be so rude, im sure the OP didnt come here so you can give out to her, im sure her parents are doing plenty of that already! To the OP i would say: I understand your situation about failing because i failed some of my exams in college, Im not stupid, i just got in with the wrong crowd and got this boyfriend who had really bad influence on me and i couldnt get rid of him. there was also the stress of living away from home for the first time. Im not sure how your education in Canada works but I get to repeat my exams. So you dont have to be stupid to fail college!!! About getting pregnant, Maybe you were careful but it was an accident, maybe you werent careful enough, either way its a lesson to learn from. And abortion is not murder!! But if you do get an abortion, cosider the consequences that might have on your body- some people become infertile after an abortion.

kellster 2

Let me guess, your parents paid for your wasted year of school. Interesting. I paid for my own, and what do you know, it meant enough to me to put in the work and be smart enough to avoid getting pregnant. Sure, I have debt, but you can't blame your parents for being angry that you just sexed away several thousand dollars of their money. And even if you paid for it yourself, wouldn't you be disappointed in a kid who became a college drop-out after one year?? First year courses aren't exactly hard. I don't know what you're thinking, trying for sympathy on here. Everything about your post says that you're in the exact situation you deserve to be in, considering your actions.

lol Several thousands of dollars kellster? It's CANADA We have FREE education, not 40K tuition fees.

get an abortion and then work harder next semester..

netbeui435 3

WTF your parents won't like that. stop being an asshole.

xBlessedxInxSINx 0

lol. Just tell them you slept with your teacher for a good grade, and then he tricked you. You end up failing and having a baby =].