By failure - 16/07/2009 16:25 - Canada

Today, my parents are freaking at me because I just got my report and I failed my first year of college. They told me they have never been more disappointed in me. I have to tell them that I'm also pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 613
You deserved it 102 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouchh, uhh, No offence, but perhaps you should have spent less time getting sex, and more time focusing on your failing education..

This is more "I ****** up" than "**** my life." You made bad decisions and you fully deserve the consequences.


annamg 0

I just wanted to reply and say, good luck. Pay no attention to all the ignorant comments here - since the internet is anonymous, people love to hide behind their screennames and say cruel things, just because they can.

Tunstall1 0

Ive read some of these, and no, i'm not in college, but what some of these people are trying to say id ridiculous! I'm sorry you failed first year, but i dont know what its like so cant say anything. But getting pregnant isnt all bad. As long as you love your baby, your parents should be proud. #274 wth? Its her baby, her child for gods sake! She cant just dump it! If she loves it, then she can find a way to balance that with maybe studying some more. Oh and, Good luck ! =]

Break out in tears, cry and cry like never before... Then try to blame them for putting too much pressure on you to do well in college and the fact that u were so stressed out from having to tell them that you were pregnant the u couldn't concentrate. But YDI

carmencalamity 0

i agree with some of the DECENT people on here, all these comments are ridiculous. if people are going to be such dicks and say the same thing over again, why do they bother commenting? Getting pregnant doesn't make someone a ****, it was an easy mistake that tons of women make each year. I would like to see one of these people get pregnant accidentally and see what they have to say then.

carmencalamity 0

Since when does getting pregnant equate to being a "pathetic **** up with no future"?

Since you **** up in college and end up getting knocked up as well. She has to financially support the kid AND pay for college (if she doesn't want to work at McDonalds all her life)? Are you ******* stupid? I'll be surprised if her parents don't make her get a job and start making her pay for her own shit, after (presumably) wasted their money so she could drop out and get pregnant.

Or you can just get an abortion (if the embryo is still immature) and not tell your parents (until a later time), and devote the rest of your time in catching up with your studies. But if its too late to get an abortion or you CHOSE to have a baby, then YDI; how do you expect to juggle so many things at once? If this is the case, you either will drop out of college to take care of your child or finish college and improperly raise your child

That is assuming they have good credit. I have an aunt and uncle who have a lot of money (..or, had, rather.) and their credit is shit because they would run up high credit card bills and not pay them back properly. OP, knowing the full story, I feel very sorry for you. Hopefully your parents will try to help you as best they can, and that all goes well for you for now on. This seems more like a case of 'shit happens' then you being an idiot - besides being an unfortunate situation alltogether.

Sounds like you got what you deserved

You not only ****** your life up, but now the kids not going to be supported properly cause you were too much of a ******* IDIOT AND A ******* ****. Hopefully your parents take the kid and give you the ******' boot. It's one thing to fail a year of college, but to come back pregnant as well. Look up the definition of failure and you guys will see this dumb broads face. Despicable...

starburst_boy 0

Well, had you not spent your first year of college getting pregnant, you might not have failed. If you have the baby it's life will be miserable, living with a stupid, childish mother who can't get a decent job. Seriously. Get an abortion, and try to do better at college next year. If you don't, the baby is almost guaranteed to be a miserable failure as well. You would be a terrible mother for having it.