By failure - 16/07/2009 16:25 - Canada

Today, my parents are freaking at me because I just got my report and I failed my first year of college. They told me they have never been more disappointed in me. I have to tell them that I'm also pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 613
You deserved it 102 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouchh, uhh, No offence, but perhaps you should have spent less time getting sex, and more time focusing on your failing education..

This is more "I ****** up" than "**** my life." You made bad decisions and you fully deserve the consequences.


ASpocksky 0

So I guess we all know what you were doing instead of studying.

I don't much see how this is an FML. First year college is difficult because of the transitions, but it's not anywhere close to impossible. It simply takes concentration on studying instead of partying, and a little hard work. As for being pregnant- also your fault, I would suspect. Good luck telling your parents.

You ****** the rest of your life up in one year. You should get a medal for that. YDI

Bet you wish you didn't do all that drinking and ******* now don't ya?

And to #196 giggity0giggity, I'm a conservative and I belive in abortion. So you're wrong. Yes abortion is bad but having a child at a young age not only usually ***** up both the child's and parents' chances for a good life, but it greatly increases the chances that the child will have an early baby, thus repeating a vicious cycle that tends to lead towards an impoverished life.. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Ever heard of putting the child up for adoption? Abortion is murder, adoption is giving the child to a family who desperately wants one of their own.

Oh, shut the **** up about it being murder. If the baby can pop its head out of the uterus for a sec and tell the parents why it should be born, then it's murder.

#298, you need to learn some respect. Just because you have a belief about this topic doesn't mean that you need to be so vulgar with it. Other people in this world have an opinion on the matter as well, and it is a very sensitive topic. So please try and think of others before you say another thing.


I completely agree. Abortion is not murder and it is ignorant to say so. Adoption is not a good answer because most kids just end up not being adopted. Statistic says in the year 2000, there were 501,000 foster kids, of those 127,000 were available to be adopted and of that 127,000, 51,000 were actually adopted. Murder is defined as "the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought". See that? a person. A fetus is not a person. Do you remember the times of being a fetus? If your mother had had an abortion you would not even know. If you want to be pro-life and not abort your fetus, okay. But don't you dare try to force it on us.

your first year of college ends in mid July?

A double whammy! Wow, great job. I bet your parents feel super proud! Here's a tip to get your parents to like you (though it's too late now for you): stop ******* and start studying.

triplethreat13 0

hey hon, hang in there, my aunt flunked out of her first year in college and had to apply for readmission. she is doing great with her life now. and if you have a strong relationship with the father of your unborn child, talk to him and tell him you should get married. THEN tell your parents. it's easier said than done, but i'm a psychologist and my advice can make your life easier.