By Juanald - 05/11/2017 05:00

Today, after being moved to three different employer-provided apartments because they all had mold and electrical problems, I requested a bigger bed. The bed they delivered had bedbugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 669
You deserved it 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Something tells me you should consult your fellow employees to see if sub-standard housing is in your contract :P If not...either file a grievance or find a job where you aren't required to share your apartment with vermin.

ViviMage 38

Burn the mattress and box spring before the bedbugs take over! It can cost up to six figures to rehab the apartment after you had an infestation! And I have scars from where they attacked me after a really bad hotel stay. I bought a purple mattress. Love it! I am allergic to dust mites and this bed is made in a way that mites really can't set up shop inside it


Something tells me you should consult your fellow employees to see if sub-standard housing is in your contract :P If not...either file a grievance or find a job where you aren't required to share your apartment with vermin.

ViviMage 38

Burn the mattress and box spring before the bedbugs take over! It can cost up to six figures to rehab the apartment after you had an infestation! And I have scars from where they attacked me after a really bad hotel stay. I bought a purple mattress. Love it! I am allergic to dust mites and this bed is made in a way that mites really can't set up shop inside it

After having to be moved three different times, I’d have kept my mouth shut about the bed especially since I’d figure there’d be something wrong with that also.

Nah, I'd quit. If they can't be bothered to provide sanitary, healthy living environments for their employees, they're not worth it.

I don't know how the housing situation is where you live, but suddently, finding an apartment yourself becomes much more interesting. Don't forget to have the bills for the rent, moving truck, furniture, extermination service, mandatory beer and pizza, etc. sent to your employer.

Lobby_Bee 17

To be fair, they were living in the bed way before you showed up.

You've clearly never dealt with bedbugs. It's really not fun or a joking matter.

sometimes you just have to giggle at your misery. and bedbugs are the reason I'm 1:sleeping on the couch in a room with a baby and guaranteed neck pain and 2: tossing the bed head I've had since I was 2. the nostalgia and convenient shelves are not worth it.

I'd have told them to take their sub standard housing and stick it somewhere. Maybe not on so many words of i wanted to keep the job, but then go rent your own place of its possible.

corky1992 33

If there placing you in unhealthy places and giving you bug infested furniture then why don't you just ask for a monthly stipend for rent ( this way if you want something more you just pay the difference ) and then you can buy your furniture and pay the difference of that.