By charlie - 10/05/2009 01:48 - United States

Today, my mom asked if I wanted to come to dinner with my parents and my grandparents who are in from London. When we got to the restaurant, there was a wait. My mom made me walk home because they could get a table quicker for a group of four than a group of five. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 887
You deserved it 3 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is so bitchy!!! hopefully the weather wasnt bad?

RedJester23 6

what a bitch. looks like somebody's gettin dirt for mother's day


That is so bitchy!!! hopefully the weather wasnt bad?

that's horrible! ur mom is mean!!!!

Hire someone to boom bang bang your mother

pandaisloveS2 0

ur mom is mean.. :[ i'm srry u had to go home

stonerchu 0

Damn that's definitely a fyl indeed

Aww, that sucks ;( However, it does not sound like your grandparents come to visit all that often

RedJester23 6

what a bitch. looks like somebody's gettin dirt for mother's day

Achall91 17

The mom is bitch. Don't know why you assume she's a **** though.

That's just CRUEL. And terrible parenting, why would they do something like that? FYL :( And I hope you didn't get her anything for Mother's Day lol xP

Your parents suck and since when can't you fit one extra person in at a table? Just put an extra seat on the end of the booth. This one doesn't seem right to me.

How on earth does anything think the OP deserves this?

The mother. OP's mother is most likely a thing, because she's most likely been used quite a bit, wink wink nudge nudge.

#9 people say ydi for anything wat did u give her for mothers day