By 50sStyle - 12/06/2017 19:00 - United States - Hartland

Today, during lunch, I choked on my food and possibly came close to death when my boyfriend's best friend performed the Heimlich Maneuver on me, potentially saving my life. My boyfriend then started arguing with me over letting his best friend touch my stomach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 587
You deserved it 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He'd rather the funeral director touch your body?!

marsmonkey 8

I'm so sorry, OP- that's really awful! Perhaps this is a sign that this boyfriend might not deserve you. If your body means more to him as his territory, if might be time to end it.


marsmonkey 8

I'm so sorry, OP- that's really awful! Perhaps this is a sign that this boyfriend might not deserve you. If your body means more to him as his territory, if might be time to end it.

He'd rather the funeral director touch your body?!

Your boyfriend is definitely too possessive. Let him know that it's your body, not his, and that you may have died if not for his friend touching you. Maybe ask why your boyfriend himself didn't help you when you were choking.

RosesMama 2

Op this level of controlling behaviour is scary and not normal or acceptable. Maybe today is the day 2 things happened that save your life. The Heimlich manoeuvre, and discovering what this guy is really like before he starts on the classic next stages for this kind of boyfriend - controlling who you are and what you do, then who you see, and then beginning the abusive behaviour. I would get the hell away from this guy if I were you.

I can definitely second this suggestion. Another idea in the meantime is never to let him have one up on your, like favors or such. People like that tend to use it to guilt trip, because nowadays, people can't just do things for anyone 'without' expecting something in return.

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Isa_fml 20

Controlling douchebag. Ditch him.

Ditto to all of the above. I guess he'd rather see you dead than to be touched by someone else. Dump this immature jerk.

At least someone stepped forward to save you. Too bad your bf is being such a dick about it. If the guy who saved you is cute, time to switch boyfriends!

I usually don't agree with dump him comments, because people usually don't understand the whole story. This time I'm a hundred percent on board, you need to get rid of him because this type of behavior only gets worse.