Bigmouth strikes again

By Failoffel - 10/05/2009 02:05 - United States

Today, while working my job as a cashier, one of the customers to come to the register was a dwarf. As part of store policy, I had to ID him, and his driver's license said he was from Florida. So I asked, without catching myself, "How's the weather down there?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 708
You deserved it 52 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Auch! But that wasn't your fault at all, you couldve just continued talking about Florida, Midgets would actually prefer if people didn't make a big deal of their height!

I hope you didn't feel the urge to be like "...I meant your state, not your height!" 'cause that would not have been the smooth thing to do ;]


Auch! But that wasn't your fault at all, you couldve just continued talking about Florida, Midgets would actually prefer if people didn't make a big deal of their height!

seenpyro 0

yeah, yu shuldve continued by saying in Florida. haha. this is hilarious tho

so_me_fml 0

Oh dear... Man it sucks when things like that happen!!

I hope you didn't feel the urge to be like "...I meant your state, not your height!" 'cause that would not have been the smooth thing to do ;]

RedJester23 6

HAHA that sucks. You could have continued like #1 suggested but if you didn't and you became flustered... FYL

Umm, like #3 said, as long as you didn't get into that ramble, I don't see why it's a big deal? I doubt he would have taken it any other way other than "How's the weather down there" Not a big deal...

Step 1 - Open Mouth Step 2 - Insert foot Step 3 - Make him open the mouth (tried to make a junk in the box joke XP)

HAHAHAHA Oh my...poor little person xP And #7...did you see the sequel to that video on SNL tonight? xD

I moderated this one. It's not really an FML. I honestly thought he was talking about Florida until I realized the guy was a midget.

How is that offensive to a midget? Unless you said it in a smart ass tone it's no big deal.